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Animation Magazine
Warner Bros. Brings Superman and Batman to WonderCon
by+ Ramin Zahed
It looks like DC Comics fans will have a blast next weekend (March 29-31) at the WonderCon confab in Anaheim. Warner Bros. Home Ent. plans to bookend the event with the world premiere of the animated feature Superman: Unbound as Friday night’s marquee event, then capping Sunday’s programming with a screening of LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Superheroes Unite.Both presentations will also include expansive post-screening panel discussions by cast and filmmakers, autograph opportunities for fans, and interview opportunities for media in attendance.
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Villain Featured in New 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Trailer
The newly released International Trailer for J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek Into Darkness puts a bit of the spotlight on Benedict Cumberbatch, the hot young actor who plays the BBC’s modern Sherlock Holmes and a villain in the new Trek film. In addition to a potent display of Cumberbatch's megalomanical evil, this full 2 minute and 15 second trailer also provides a shot of Alice Eve in a bikini that will definitely spike the interest of male Star Trek fans.
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Fancy Fridays: Otakuworthy Officewear
Being an anime fan with a 9-to-5 job can be difficult for those of us who want to flaunt our fandom. Not all of us are lucky enough to work in a super cool San Francisco-area start-up where you can wear sandals, tattoos and graphic tees to work. So, how can the rest of us wear our otaku allegiance on our sleeves? Easy - just snag some of this office-ready otaku attire and look like a boss (while you talk to your boss).
Suit Yourself - Ah, the suit: the quintessential piece of clothing for the modern office and possibly the most stuffy. Surely, there isn't an alternative for anime fans, right? Wrong! Enter the Itasuutsu Project (lit. "painful suits), a new line of suits featuring some of your favorite anime characters. While they offer outfits that have louder designs and anime characters emblazoned on the outside of the suit, we prefer their subtler offerings which feature characters on the interior lining. Now you can stay late to bang out those TPS reports with a tsundere surprise to keep you company!
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Say It Isn't So Dept.: 'Escape From New York' Trilogy
Like a morbidly obese giant trapped in a warehouse full of French fries, Hollywood appears to be constitutionally unable to wean itself from its unvarying diet of more and more remakes. The latest example of this constant gutting of its cinematic past is the announced attention of producer Joel Silver to remake John Carpenter’s 1981 classic Escape From New York.
This is a very bad idea on several fronts, the most obvious of which is that Carpenter’s film still holds up well and is unlikely to be improved by today’s increasingly ubiquitous computer effects. Most importantly Kurt Russell’s character-defining portrayal of Snake Plissken is so iconic that we should be spared having to sit through some contemporary thespian’s attempt to duplicate it.
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En Garde for Savings - Save at Least 40% OFF DVDs & Merchandise From Nozomi & Other Right Stuf Labels
Be en garde for savings on DVDs and merchandise from Right Stuf and its divisions, including Nozomi Entertainment, Lucky Penny, and 5 Points Pictures! You'll find everything from hot new and upcoming releases like The Rose of Versailles, Princess Knight, Hyakko, Sweet Blue Flowers, and Penny Pinchers, to fan favorites, including Revolutionary Girl Utena, Dirty Pair, Martian Successor Nadesico and much, much more!
From now through March 27, the "your price" listed is the price you pay – no coupon code required – and these new prices represent a savings of at least 40% OFF the retail prices of all DVDs and merchandise from Right Stuf, Lucky Penny, Nozomi Entertainment, 5 Points Pictures and Critical Mass Video (This includes items that are pre-order, in stock, on order and special order!)
Just be sure to place your orders before 11:59 p.m. CT on March 27, 2013!
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